пятница, 21 октября 2016 г.

Dental Tribune International Newsletter

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21 October 2016

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Dental Tribune International Newsletter

Sugar tax could reduce dental caries and health care expenses

Last week, the World Health Organization released a new report that states that fiscal policies that lead to at least a 20 per cent increase in the retail price of sugary drinks would result in proportional reductions in consumption of such products and reduce obesity, Type 2 diabetes and dental caries. Just a few weeks earlier, Charité—Universitätsmedizin Berlin in Germany had published a study with similar findings.

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First Indonesia Dental Exhibition and Congress to be held in 2017

Exclusively catering to the needs of the Indonesian dental industry, the country's first comprehensive dental exhibition and congress will take place next year from 15 to 17 September in Jakarta. The event is being jointly organised by the Indonesian dental association and trade show organisers Koelnmesse and PT. Traya Eksibisi Internasional. It will be held in alternate years to the established IDEM Singapore.

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"Going green in our business, not somebody else's"

Measures to reduce waste and pollution and to conserve natural resources already play a major role in many aspects of daily life. Likewise, acting in an environmentally friendly manner is becoming increasingly important in dentistry as well. Dental Tribune Online spoke with Dr. Claudio Pinheiro Fernandes, head of the Sustainable Dentistry Center at Fluminense Federal University in Nova Friburgo in Brazil, about sustainability principles in dentistry.

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Swiss company releases world's first tooth whitening snow

Zahnschnee Instant Whitening (tooth snow) is Swiss brand megasmile's latest novelty. The product is the successor to the company's Zahnschnee, an alternative to conventional toothpaste that can be sprayed into the mouth and used without water or a toothbrush. The new foam product whitens the teeth immediately.

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Read the latest Dental Tribune Nordic online

Dental Tribune is an independent publication and the largest global dental newspaper, with 34 editions in 23 languages. Today, Dental Tribune is a trusted source of news and information in the dental community and reaches more than 650,000 dental professionals around the world. All Dental Tribune editions are made available online via DTI's innovative e-paper tool. E-paper editions are exact digital copies of the DTI print publications. Readers can search and navigate through the e-paper, as well as download and print pages to read offline. In order to promote wide dissemination to our international readership, access to all e-papers is free of charge.

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GC Europe

For over 25 years, GC has been recognised by both dentists and dental technicians alike as a provider of consistently high-quality products that are easy to handle, as well as being capable of delivering the highest service standards to its customers.

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